Who we are
Knowing Jesus more in our lives and making Him known to others.
Our Mission
Knowing Jesus more in my life and making Him known to others.
Making this part of our lifestyle
We encourage our church family to make the following 4 values part of their lives:
- "Embracing Biblical Community" and finding your place in the Body of Christ (the church)
- "Knowing Jesus more intimately" by living a devoted and obedient life.
- "Serving & encouraging others" by discovering and using your God-given gifts.
- "Changing the world" by developing yourself as a leader & reaching out to the lost.
What We Believe
Our Purpose
- To obey the risen Christ, who is Head of the Church Universal and to make Him known.
- To mutually encourage one-another and develop each other’s gifts for the building up and strengthening of the Body, which is one in Christ.
- To declare and demonstrate all the truths of the Gospel to all people.
Our Statement of Faith
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came into the world as the final and complete revelation of God the Father, the Creator and Sustainer of all things.
- Because God loves us, Christ died on the cross to make atonement for sin, rose from the dead and ascended bodily into Heaven, and will return to judge the living and the dead at the end of the age.
- All who believe in Jesus Christ and repent of their sin may enjoy everlasting life in the presence of God.
- The Holy Spirit effects regeneration in the believer and is the source of life and power in the Church.
- The Bible, as the inspired word of God, is the first and last source of authority for life, belief and practice.
- God graciously commands the Christian to witness to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord through believers’ baptism, which is an identification with Christ and the community of believers, the Church Universal.
Our History
Mairangi Bay Community Church (MBCC) has deep roots dating back to 1912, starting as a small fellowship in Devonport, an offshoot of the Ponsonby Road Church of Christ. The first chapel was opened in Devonport in 1927. In the early 1950s, this chapel was moved to Mairangi Bay, where it became known as the Mairangi Bay Church of Christ. The chapel stood at the corner of Beach Road and Ramsgate Terrace until its demolition in 1972, with a new church opening nearby in 1973. By 2012, on its 100th anniversary, MBCC celebrated the opening of a new auditorium and extended facilities.
In 1998, the church was renamed Mairangi Bay Community Church to reflect its mission of serving the community and welcoming individuals from diverse denominational and ethnic backgrounds. As an autonomous, self-governing evangelical church, MBCC is affiliated with Christian Churches New Zealand, a dynamic movement connected to similar groups worldwide. The church’s membership includes individuals from varied denominational and non-church backgrounds, emphasizing its inclusive nature.
Pastor Rodney Cowell played a significant role from 1997 to 2006 in guiding MBCC towards becoming a multicultural and community-focused church. He later authored a book on his experiences. After Rodney’s tenure, Peter and Elizabeth Anderson served MBCC for over ten years, overseeing the completion of the new auditorium and church extension in 2012. Today, MBCC continues to thrive as a welcoming and vibrant part of the community and David Yeh is the Acting Senior Pastor
Freqeuntly Asked Questions
Faq Question 1
Answer 1
Faq Question 2
Answer 2
Faq Question 3
Answer 3